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Star Trek Online: Vorgon Conclusions

In the future, the scientist Kal Dano will build a quantum phase inhibitor known as the Tox Uthat. Both scientist and device will be controversial and coveted across time and space. Find out where this story began and how it ends as you chase the Vorgons who want the Tox Uthat for their own.

“Vorgon Conclusions” will be the second episode in our new Yesterday’s War arc. Characters must have already completed “The Core of the Matter” and reached level 30 to play this episode. Prior to the launch of our latest expansion, Agents of Yesterday, Gold and Lifetime players will have access to this mission on Tribble. Once Agents of Yesterday launches, it will be available to all players. “Vorgon Conclusions” will be available to all players (Romulan players must have selected a faction).

You can easily access this mission by accessing your Mission Journal (default key ‘J’), selecting the “Yesterday’s War” episodes tab, and choosing to ‘Hail’ your contact for the mission. Keep checking in over the next few weeks to hear about more exciting episodes from Agents of Yesterday.


The life of a Temporal Agent will take you across time and space to strange frontiers and deadly battlegrounds with the Temporal Agent Pack.

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