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Star Trek Online: Release Notes: July 28th, 2016


Added a few exclusive Federation-only Costumes to the Special Items section of the Dilithium Store including:

22nd Century MACO Uniform
The Wrath of Khan Excursion Jacket
The Wrath of Khan Engineer Vest
The Wrath of Khan Captain’s Vest

Resolved an issue where when crouching while wearing the 23rd Century EV Suit, a helmet piece would float above the captain’s head.
Resolved an issue where players could not claim the Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort on characters on an account which had unlocked it during the Summer Event.
Resolved an issue where the Clear Button was not fully functioning for Keybind Options.
The following windows no longer enables the mouse cursor while in Shooter Mode:

The Need or Greed loot window
Media Control window
Queue PvE Cooldown window



Miner Instabilities:

Resolved an issue where groups of enemies were not de-spawning correctly if the team only went in one direction.
Added Miner Instabilities in the Temporal Reputation Information tab as a place to earn Temporal Marks for the Reputation.

Brotherhood of the Sword: Resolved an issue where sitting in a chair during the start puts the player in an infinite warp loop.
Resolved an issue where the Message From Another Time missions from the new Temporal Reputation could not be completed unless the player completed the equivalent missions in the Terran Reputation.



The Destabilizing Phase Array now correctly gives a 3 second immunity to damage when it procs.
Resolved an issue where Combat Supply could not be used from uncommon-quality kit modules. 
Resolved an issue where Temporal Reputation Tier III and IV project boxes could fail to open or give Terran reputation weapons.
Kumari wing cannons can now be upgraded starting at level 50. 


Added “Temporal” as an option for filtering NPC Groups.
Added new NPC Groups:

Romulan TOS Ground
Romulan TOS Space
Na'kuhl Ground
Na'kuhl Space 


Known Issues:

The Bortasqu’ Long Jacket clips through legs when sprinting.
Caitians and Ferasans are missing the Helmets and Hats category.
The TOS Gorn outfit does not unlock once completing the episode “Battle of Caleb IV”.
