Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: Nova
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Account Name: @Aerosta

Character Names:
Nova (Fed engineer)
Shadow (alt fed science)
Faevia?? (don't play but fed tac)

Your Current Rank:
Ruler of the Universe

Time Zone:

How did you get into Star Trek Online?
Friend recruited me back when recruit a friend existed before PWE

How long have you been playing for?
Hard to say. Came back to this game after a long hiatus but been back for a couple of weeks now.

What would be your best piece of advice to a new STO player?
YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!! ... ahem, sorry wrong game.

What’s your favourite career type (Engineering, Science or Tactical)?

What’s your favourite ship?
Depends on what day of the week you ask me

What’s your best and worst STO moment?
How about every time I get a new ship and then when I suddenly get bored of said ship?

What are some of your other interests?
Uhhh... does breeding tribbles count?

What’s your favourite band?

Anything else you want to say?
Recently came back to the game after a long break and looking forward to playing. As your newest officer feel free to ask me anything and hit me up for PVE/fleet actions.