Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: Kisya
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Account Name: carlyle101

Character Names: Kisya

Your Current Rank: Vice Admiral

Time Zone: US East Coast (EST)

How did you get into Star Trek Online? Steam, along with some fan feelings for the series like Voyager *>*.

How long have you been playing for? A while....?

What would be your best piece of advice to a new STO player? Don't use the market until Vice Admiral, and always bring a "shotgun" into ground missions.

What’s your favourite career type (Engineering, Science or Tactical)? Science, With Science Career type I can create a mini army in STFs xD.

What’s your favourite ship? Uhm, my favorite ship would have to be the multi- mission ships due to their versatility, but in terms of models I would have to say the Intrepid class, from the voyager series xD.

What’s your best and worst STO moment? Best STO moment....Hm...That would be when I beat the Borg mission with the name Manus in it (lol), and had three of my team quit at the end, but still beat the mission with only two members. Worse.... When I did an Elite STF in Khitomer and got melted like butter by the borg.

What are some of your other interests? Well, gaming is actually my main hobby, mainly MMOs like STO and Mabinogi, but aside from that I play piano regularly, also play basketball and soccer weekly with my friends.

What’s your favourite band? Hmm..I would have to say Relient K. I just love Be My Escape xD.

Anything else you want to say? If you play Mabi feel free to add xD. And if you are online in STO feel free to invite me to STFs please undefined.
Damn good song Sick
I find it so hard to pick a favorite! (band or song, or genre lol)

I love the holler out for STF's! Do the same for me, if you see me online, call me out Sick