Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:PC Patch Notes for 3/9/17
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PC Patch Notes for 3/9/17


Resolved numerous graphics related crashes.
The Duty Officer rewards from "A Fistful of Gorn" and "A New Warfare" now open into either the unique Duty Officer or a Duty Officer of up to Very Rare quality if the player already owns the respective unique Duty Officer.
Resolved a number of issues where players could end up outside of the playable area in Unto the Breach.
The Naj'sov Klingon Science Vessel can now use the upgrade material. 


Aegis Set Bonuses:

Resolved an issue where the 2 piece bonus Energy Negation never proc’d.
Resolved an issue where the 3 piece active power "Energy Feedback Conductor" did not appear on the power list.

Resolved an issue where the Protomatter Field Projector was affecting things beyond passive Shield and Hull Regeneration. 
Resolved an issue that could make it impossible to search for kits with the [KPerf] modifier.

Known Issue:

The final mission that grants rewards in the Lukari reputation can get into a state where the player cannot claim the rewards.

This will happen if the player closes the initial contact window with Kuumaarke when the mission becomes available.
To avoid this for now, do not close the contact window when it appears and complete the mission as soon as it’s available.
