Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: Dilithium Bonus Weekend + 50%
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Hello Fleet!

The Dilithium Bonus weekend is on, abuse it to the maximum you can on every character and every way, its' the best way to make a lot of dilithium in a short period. Here are some ways to do that.

- Contraband - Turn in contraband will give you 3k dil vs the normal 2k, 4 hour Doff mission time.

- Rich Dilithium claims, from 7k to 10k depending on how you do, daily mission.

- Regular/Fleet Mining in the Beta Ursae block now payout double up to 2000/4960 respectively - daily missions.

- PVE Elite Space, normal around 960 for Borg Elites turns into 1440 dil.

- Battlezone - Dil rewards across the ground and space battlezones are upped by 50%. Zone hopping in the ground battlezone is particularly effective with a payout totalling 4680 dil + 5 cybernetic implants + 135 dyson marks for successfully tagging the bo
PVE Elite Space, normal around 960 for Borg Elites turns into 1440 dil.
- Additionally around the game the dilithium rewards are boosted 50% on all doff missions as well as the various dailies such as 'Aiding the Deferi' or the Nimbus ground missions.
Have fun and fill your pockets!

Fleet Captains Cybrox, Rakal..and a little from that Admiral Kril guy lol