Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: Looking for input on raising my DPS.
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I'm currently easily tanking stuff in elite STFs, but I feel like I'd help more dropping survivability, which i seem to have an excess of; for more DPS. You don't need to eat damage, if you kill them.

 I haven't downloaded the combatlog parser, as I refuse to allow java anywhere near this machine.

Current Build as of September 5, 2014.

I'm planning on eventually getting something like:

6x Romulan Rep Plasma Beam Arrays [CrtD]x2 (Equippedx6)
Romulan Prototype Plasma Beam Array (Equipped)
Kinetic Cutting Beam (Equipped)

Deflector: Elite Fleet Fermion Deflector Array Mk XII [Flow] [Ins] [ENG] [SciCdr] (Equipped)
Impulse Engine: Adapted MACO (Equipped)
Warp Core: Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Core Mk XII [Eff] [S->W] [WCap] [AMP] [SSR]] (Equipped)
Shields: Adapted MACO (Equipped)

3x Fleet CrtH +Pla (Equippedx3)
2x Fleet Neutronium Alloy +HullRep (Equippedx2)
Assimilated Console (Equipped)
Zero-Point Energy Conduit (Equipped)
2x Fleet Emitter Arrays Mk X [SEmitters][+Threat][+Plasma]