Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

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Celebrating Star Trek's 51st Birthday with ZEFilms!

51 years ago, the very first episode of Star Trek graced our television sets. Captain Kirk led Spock, Sulu, Scotty, Uhura, Bones, and later Chekov across the stars in search of new life and new civilizations. Since then, Star Trek has had five live action television shows and thirteen movies, continuing the story of the final frontier. In a few weeks, Star Trek: Discovery will bring forth the newest chapter in Trek canon. We couldn’t be more proud to be a part of that legacy with our own seven (almost eight!) year mission.

To celebrate, we asked superstar in-game filmmaker ZEFilms to create a little tribute to the Trek that has gone before, and to the future still to come. Here it is, and we hope you enjoy. Happy Birthday, Star Trek.


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