Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: Fleet Avenger Battleship build
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I have been playing and improving my Avenger BC a lot and i ended up with this :

tell me if the link works, the Avenger build i made is mostly for critical chance, in general i get like 6800 dps but it can do more depending on how its played, in bursts it has got 11k dps, depends also on the PVE since in some i get 8k dps in general, i am gonna get some extra consoles and change it a bit more, i hope this helps people in the fleet that needs more dps, its hard to get it to do more dps since you need more tactical boff and its buffs but i think there is room for impovement here, lets share opinions in this and improve our ship even more, night fleet
Link works. Notice you do not have and devices on it? It looks much like my tet build (with respect to the crit focus). The damage numbers overall are about the same. (You confirmed that). What is the damage tool you are using?
Looks like you only have two hull heals, I would recommend removing the Aceton and training up that Boff on Structural III, that might keep you in the fight longer.


combat reader 11 something i dont remeber correctly, i would need a boff that can train in structural III alas i dont have one i think i will try to check it on when i can log