Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:PC Patch Notes for 4/5/18
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PC Patch Notes for 4/5/18


The Renegade’s Regret:

Rewards for Week 2 and Week 3 of “Renegade’s Regrets” have been updated.

Week 2 will now reward the Trait Unlocks previously listed as the Week 3 reward.
Week 3 will now reward a new “Ceremonial Polearm”
The Draconian Sword is no longer a reward option.

Players can no longer sit in the chair which the DS9 Security officer is sitting in.
Neth Parr’s mouth now moves when speaking.
Removed the random food players would receive when playing the episode.

Resolved an issue where changing auto-attack settings would reset upon moving to another map.
T5 Temporal ships will no longer have access to the T6 hulls if the player owns another T5 temporal ship or shuttle.

Known Issues:

The mission "The New Link" is currently cannot be completed. It's recommended that players skip it.
