Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:Battle for the Soul of Pahvo
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Battle for the Soul of Pahvo

Nothing is ever simple when dealing with the Mirror Universe. Nothing is ever simple when dealing with temporal displacement. Even fewer things are simple when dealing with temporally-displaced members of the Mirror Universe.

In Pahvo Dissension, a new Featured Task Force Operation, five Alliance captains will deal with the aftermath of the recent events at Pahvo. Wreckage of the I.S.S. Charon has crash landed on the planet, torn through time and space due to ion storms, mycelial interference, and Captain Tilly’s nefarious actions. The Terrans want to make Prime Pahvo into the bioterror that is Mirror Pahvo.

Help the planet purify the crystals that have been corrupted by Terran agonizers. Do this to keep Pahvo from being subjugated by hate.

This event will last for 3 weeks starting in February for PC players, and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the spring of 2019. All players level 10 and above will be able to participate, and can earn a TFO Commendation once every 20 hours.

Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the Crystal Prism Universal Kit Module in addition to marks, dilithium, and three Featured TFO Reward Boxes. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. These boxes are account bound and may be traded via the account bank.

Any character who finishes the 14 day project will unlock a bonus project that can be completed with a single TFO Commendation. This project will reward dilithium ore, fleet marks, and a mark choice package.

The Crystal Prism Universal Kit Module is an item that deploys a Crystalline Prism. This Prism will attack nearby enemies and will link together with nearby Prisms to increase each Prism’s damage. The Kit Module is an account unlock, and may be claimed by other characters on your account.

Good luck, Captains!


Ryon “Melange” Levitt
Senior Content Designer
Cryptic Studios

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