Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:The Return of Discovery TFOs
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The Return of Discovery TFOs

With the launch of the Discovery Legends Reputation, we want to make sure Captains have a wide variety of content in which to earn progress towards their new items. With that in mind, starting with the launch of Rise of Discovery on May 14th, you’ll receive Discovery Marks from the returning Task Force Operations Pahvo Dissension, Peril over Pahvo, and Operation Riposte. The Defense of Starbase One will also be joining this reputation, switching over to grant a choice of Discovery Marks or Fleet Marks on completion. The Advanced and Elite versions of these TFOs will grant P.stellaviatori Spores as well. This means the reputation will be launching with four Task Force Operations that you can use to advance in it, and gain the technology and powers of the characters of Star Trek: Discovery. Enjoy, Captains.

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