Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:Help Fight Cancer with Origin and St. Jude's!
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Help Fight Cancer with Origin and St. Jude's!

Star Trek Online is joining the St. Jude PLAY LIVE event, in partnership with Origin PC Live! Community Manager Mike Fatum will be joining them on their livestream Friday, May 17th, from 12pm to 2pm PT, to play some Star Trek Online, answer your questions, and give away five Discovery Operations Packs, and two posters signed by the STO team! During this special event, Origin will be donating any Twitch Subscriptions or Bits they receive to St. Jude, and your donations will cause all kinds of crazy things to happen on the stream. Their 2019 goal is to raise $20,000 to help St. Jude in their fight to end childhood cancer. Tune in, donate to a good cause, and win some excellent prizes. You can tune in right here:


Watch live video from CrypticStudios on

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