Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:Save 20% on Fleet Modules!
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Save 20% on Fleet Modules!

Concerns about threats to the galaxy have brought the Alliance to a new initiative, Captains – they want you to get access to the best technology from your fleets. With that in mind, fleet modules will be 20% off in the C-store this weekend, from 8am PT July 25th to 10am PT July 29th! You can use these fleet modules to purchase the fleet versions of ships, which will come with higher stats and optional new looks! You can also use this process to upgrade ships that you already own, at a huge discount!

Most Fleet ships require some level of your Fleet Starbase (1->5). A few require you to have your fleet spire leveled up. Additionally, your fleet needs to have Fleet Ship Provisions available, and you'll need 20,000 Fleet Credits.

Right now is the perfect time to take advantage of this sale, and get your hands on the Fleet version of the T6 Risian Corvette from the Summer Event! Use its pilot maneuvers to get the jump on your opponents!


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