Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

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Star Trek Online: Intrepid Giveaway

Our next set of Star Trek: Attack Wing ships are warping in! By simply retweeting our latest tweet and comment/share our Facebook post within the next 24 hours, you’ll be automatically entered in for a chance to win one of our two Intrepid-class ships from the Year of Hell kit!

While in Zahl space, your fleet finds itself embroiled in a battle between the Zahl and the Krenim. A huge spatial distortion wave is heading for your ships and you find that it is impossible to avoid its path as the wave is destabilizing the ships’ warp fields. If the wave hits your ships, it will cause a temporal incursion and your ships will change, and possibly be destroyed. But you’ve calculated that by using temporal shielding, you can avoid the consequences of this temporal incursion and lessen the effects of the wave. Will you be able to do this and defeat your enemy? Or will you be a victim of the spatial distortion wave?

For a chance to win your Intrepid-class ship, retweet, share, or comment to be automatically entered to win!

Interested in  Star Trek: Attack Wing ? Field your ships with the Star Trek: Attack Wing Starter set.

Our Flash Giveaways prizes are available to any Captain with a valid U.S. shipping address. Any Captains outside of the U.S. who are picked will be granted an equivalent amount of ZEN.
