Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

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Preorder STO Ships from Hero Collector!

Is your happiest moment of the day when you see your favorite starship? Us too, Captains. That’s why we were so excited when we announced our partnership with Hero Collector, the creators of the Official Star Trek Starships Collection. We announced last year that they would be producing a line of models based on the ships of Star Trek Online, and if you’ve been paying attention, you may know what some of those ships are already. But just in case you’ve missed it in all the other Star Trek news this year, here’s the ships Eaglemoss has confirmed so far:

The Enterprise F
The Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
The Chimera Heavy Destroyer
The Andromeda Exploration Cruiser
The Bortasqu War Cruiser
The Vastam Tactical Command Warbird
The Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel


And we can now confirm that the first two ships in that line, the Gagarin and the Chimera, are available to pre-order right now! You can find them via the links above, so if you want to add these ships to your collection, now is the time. And this isn’t even the end of Wave 1, Captains, so watch this space for more information.


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