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Star Trek Online: Happy Birthday Aron Eisenberg!

Happy Birthday Aron Eisenberg!

We’re kicking off celebrations today for our favorite Ferengi with our newest giveaway on Twitter. We'd like to congratulate the 50 lucky winners who will be recieving a new Ferengi Energy Whip! Keep your eyes peeled to your Twitter messages, as we'll be contacting you directly!












Crack! Zap! There’s nothing like an Energy Whip for a true Ferengi! Capable of delivering a ranged electrical discharge with a small chance to stun a target or knock them back, with a secondary attack of an electrical pulse designed to stun the target, the energy whip will snap into action at the slightest touch. Keep your profits safe and your enemies at range!

Winners of the Ferengi Energy Whip will be messaged on Twitter in order to grant the prize, so be sure to follow us so we can message you!


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