Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:Tzenkethi Lobi Bundle!
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Tzenkethi Lobi Bundle!

Once again, a special Lobi Bundle is coming to you for a limited time, Captains! This time, it's the Tzenkethi Bundle, and it will be available in the Lobi Store from November 20th at 8am PT (17:00 CET) to November 30th at 10am PT (19:00 CET). This is a special Bundle for those of us that love our turtle-shaped frenemies, and it contains:

Tzenkethi Shuk-din Escort [T6]
[5x] Diffusive Tetryon Weapons
Console - Universal - Shared Processing Integration
Tzenkethi Vanity Shield
Tzenkethi Duty Officer Assignments
[6x] Ultimate Tech Upgrades


This bundle will cost 1800 Lobi, and will be subject to any sales that might occur during its availability. Go and grab some mighty Tzenkethi prizes, Captains, and we'll see you in game!


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