Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

Full Version: STO/Cryptic:PC Patch Notes for 8/17/21
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PC Patch Notes for 8/17/21


Resolved an issue where the Legendary ROmulan Bundle only granted 3 Romulan Duty Officer Packs.  

You will be able to claim the fourth in the Promotions Tab. 

Improved unlock functionality for all Account Unlock Starship Traits associated with Legendary Starships, so that they will unlock more reliably and promptly 
Resolved an issue that was causing "Rapid-Emitter Armaments" to trigger from non-Bridge Officer versions of Tractor Beam, such as the Multi-Target Tractor Arrays console. 
Resolved an issue that was causing the Legendary D'Deridex to be unable to equip certain equipment which should be allowed to all Warbirds. 
