Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

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The Delta Quadrant Needs You!

Delta Recruitment Returns!

The special Delta Recruitment event is coming back! From April 12th at 8am PT to May 3rd at 12pm PT, on all platforms, you can create a new Delta Recruit character. Any newly-made 2409 Starfleet character, Klingon Defense Force character, or Romulan Republic character is eligible to become a recruit for the 21 days that this event runs!

Delta Recruits gain a set of special goals in order to prepare for the Iconian War. Using a tesseract transceiver from the future, you’ll chase down information about the Iconians and complete other tasks to make sure your faction’s ready to handle the Iconians. Along the way you’ll earn great rewards, and gain special account unlocks so that your other characters are rewarded, too!

Remember, to become a Delta Recruit and gain access to the rewards, you must make a new 2409 Starfleet character, a Klingon Defense Force character, or a Romulan Republic character during the event, then you must play the tutorial until you receive your special Delta Recruit tesseract transceiver device. Once you receive the device, your character is a Delta Recruit and you can complete the goals any time and claim the rewards, even after the event ends.

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