Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group

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Strike Group : Sa'av GhIqtal!! (Gaurd You To The Death)

There you go. A name. Smile
The House of Strike Group
House of Toren Strike Group

I like our fleets no matter what the name is. But, my honest opinion, I think we should change both. It would give the fleet a novelty value and give us something to get everyone involved with. We could hold a special event to vote for the new fleet names. Like an Election Day or something like it.
While StoVoKor Strike Group has a certain jenais se quois, it does refer to the place in the afterlife where all good warriors go to fight the eternal battle - not exactly 'Heaven' but along similar lines. So would you want "Heaven Strike Group"? (Also if the battle is eternal, that suggests they never win, so we're talking "Eternal stalemate strike group"...)

I find myself drawn to KDF Strike Group as it does sound like an elite force, and I also like Panzer's comments about "Strike Group ...."

Perhaps something a little more in keeping with the "strike' portion of the name, like "Bat'leth Strike Group" or "D'k tahg Strike Group"

However, no "sons of" anything, please, as some of us are of the female persuasion, both in RL and in toon life - and children of seems a little forced.

Nice points Mom. This thread is really old, but I have always wondered if "Klingon" Strike Group was too... vanilla.

I love the "...Strike Group" so if we do anything regarding the name, my opinion is that it should always be Strike Group.
(Perhaps ..... Just... Strike Group?)
Strike Group (something extremely Klingon-ish).... Think I have to go find my Klingon dictionary (and yes, I have one. Some place.)

SuvwI' mup ghom? (Warrior Strike Group)?

Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG)

In reference too :
House of Mouse
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