Starfleet/Klingon Strike Group
R.R.W. GIFTZWERG - Ed's Commander's Gig (Torpedo Shuttle) - Printable Version

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R.R.W. GIFTZWERG - Ed's Commander's Gig (Torpedo Shuttle) - Edarta - 04-11-2017

Zooooom in!
[Image: shuttle-giftzwerg.png]

I built this shuttle during the recent Shuttle Weekend Event and had a lot fun. I had read this reddit post, many build suggestion are here (I have found that today. Now it's too late for trying these, but future shuttle events will see me. The GIFTZWERG will stay as she is, but I have mannnnnny toons...)

The little buzzer can fly circles around its own plasma tropedos but should not do that Wink In fleet alerts she was AWESOME:
[Image: scm-giftzwerg-fleet-alert.png]
SCM - Fleet Alert (S) - DMG Out: 992,821 DPS: 3,876.69 (17.5% of Team) - Catriona@edarta

I enjoyed it and can only suggest that you try that too.