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Reputation Tier VI - Printable Version

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Reputation Tier VI - Edarta - 11-09-2018

Reputation Tier VI
[Image: rep-6-woohoo.png]

My Jem'Hadar characters did no grind at all - the Gamma Recruits got plenty stuff of everything, they just fed the Reputations for 30 days...

This is new at Tier VI
The word immediately gets a new meaning: it may last a minute or two until all the new shiny bonuses beam in.

Vanity Shields
For 300 Reputation Marks each faction offers a distinct shields, some are very distinct...

Faster, Stronger, Better!
All Space, Ground, and Tier V reputation traits get replaced immediately by a rank 2 version that is 25% stronger, harder, or cooler. The old traits are gone. You need to activate new traits manually and refill your action trays accordingly.

Each weapon from reputation requisition projects immediately gets +2% Bonus All Damage. That fancy green tooltip is misleading - it's just the weapon itself that gets the bonus applied.

Fleet Ship Modules
Each Character can claim a Fleet Ship Module in each Tier VI Reputation for 100 Reputation Marks, once.
One. Hundred. Reputation. Marks.

Retrain Tokens
Each Character can claim a Retrain Token in each Tier VI Reputation for 50 Reputation Marks, once. Indeed.

Account Wide Discounts
The Account Wide Discount gives you a 50% cost reduction in EC, Dilithium, and Reputation Marks for all requisition projects from that reputation. No refunds, but also applied to active projects. The price of the discount unlock varies by reputation:

Omega: 5 Elite Marks (Neural Processors), 25000 Dilithium, 175 Marks, 100000 EC
Nukara, New Romulus: 25000 Dilithium, 175 Marks, 100000 EC
Others: 5 Elite Marks, 20000 Dilithium, 100 Marks, 100000 EC

Again: it may last a minute or two until all the new price tags arrive the shelves.

Be smart!
NONE of these projects can be cancelled. So check your bank if your have the Marks and Elite Marks in your vault before statintg the Claim Projects.

New Energy-Weapons for your Space Ships
I list by Energy Type thoss I found. Set and Console Bonuses are also extended to include those new energy types.

Gamma: 360° Beam Array, Turret
Terran: Beam Array & Heavy Dual Cannon

New Romulus: Beam Array

Undines: Heavy Turret
Lukari: Beam Array & Dual Cannon

Temporal: Beam Array & Heavy Dual Cannon

Nukara: Dual Beam Bank
Delta: Beam Array & Heavy Dual Cannon
Manneuver: 360° Beam Array, Heavy Turret

Undines: Heavy Turret
Iconians: Beam Array & Heavy Dual Cannon

A new ground ability for partay fireworks on ground as shown on pic Party