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STO/Cryptic:The Final Four Cast Members Join Victory is Life!
The Final Four Cast Members Join Victory is Life!

It’s time to round out the cast, and reveal the final Star Trek Actors who will be joining us for our newest expansion, Victory is Life! First, let’s run down the ones you already know:

Alexander Siddig as Doctor Julian Bashir, former Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine.
Andrew Robinson as Councilor Elim Garak, formerly “just a simple tailor” and covert operative for Cardassia.
Armin Shimerman as Quark, DS9’s resident Ferengi entrepreneur and bartender.
Aron Eisenberg as Captain Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, who grew up on DS9.
Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun (a cunning Vorta diplomat) and Brunt (a Liquidator of the Ferengi Commerce Authority).
J.G. Hertzler as General Martok, hero of the Klingon Empire.
Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys, Kai of the Bajoran People.
René Auberjonois as Odo, former Chief of Security at DS9, who is now a Dominion Ambassador.


Who else has joined the cast? Read on and find out.

Chase Masterson’s presence as Leeta has graced the halls of Deep Space Nine for years in Star Trek Online, but only as a hologram or the Mirror Universe version of herself. The “real” Leeta has never met our Captains – until now. Chase is returning for Victory is Life, and bringing Leeta with her. What has her life been like as the wife of the Grand Nagus all of these years? You’ll find out in Victory is Life.

And speaking of a certain Grand Nagus, Max Grodénchik is bringing Rom, the always lovable Ferengi who stumbled into leading his people, to Star Trek Online. The Grand Nagus will have a big part to play in the battle against the Hur’q, and you’ll get to experience it with him.

In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “The Abandoned,” Bumper Robinson played a young Jem’Hadar who was found on Deep Space Nine as a baby. He grew to near adulthood in a matter of days, and despite Odo’s attempts to reason with him, returned to Dominion space to be with his people. That same Jem’Hadar, Dukan’Rex, is now an Elder First, and will be a central character to the story of Victory is Life.

It wouldn’t be right to have the Dominion without their gods. Salome Jens returns to the role of the Female Changeling who led her people during the Dominion War. The Changeling has been in Starfleet’s custody since the end of the war – has she changed, or will she be a new threat to the Alpha Quadrant? Find out in June.

We’re so excited to have so many talented actors join us for Victory is Life, and we know you’ll love the story we’re going to tell. Stay tuned, Captains.

Victory is Life.


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