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Back after a few years, I'm happy to see the fleet's still active, what'd I miss?
Good morning Fleeties,

Its been a while, due to circumstances, but contrary to popular belief, I have not yet been assimilated by the borg, or the dead.

Just been dealing with life the last few years.
Hello all let me Introduce Akiko She is the Great Geat Great grand Daughter of Captian James T Kirk  I dont knoe just how to figer out how the Time Line for her would work I mader her as a Desendent of James T Kirk
Hello im Alissa. i have many to farm di.

Been playing STO mostly from the start.

I collect ships

After being on for so long i give away alot of stuff

other toons i play V, delta 1-3, klingon r, klingon delta and my main Alissa.

hope to see you all on line.
Account Name: @gracendanger

Character Names: mongoose

Your Current Rank: ensign

Time Zone:est

How did you get into Star Trek Online? can't remember

How long have you been playing for? quite a while. I've stopped and started  several times. Even started a separate account from when i couldn't remember the original information. When I did remember it was nice getting my old characters back.

What would be your best piece of advice to a new STO player? have fun.

What’s your favourite career type (Engineering, Science or Tactical)? engineering

What’s your favourite ship? i like different ships for different reasons. Wish we could more modify the ones we like the looks of.

What’s your best and worst STO moment? I can't think of a best moment. One of the worst was a rules change that basically punished long time players. I can't remember  the specifics but i quit for some years. Sounds petty, but I had been able to play an otherwise weak build (and it took a lot of time getting to where i could make it work).

What are some of your other interests? until i can overcome my addiction to this box it's almost like I have none of my old interests. 

What’s your favourite band? It changes depending on mood.  Lynyrd skynyrd is usually on the list as I think of 'Tuesdays Gone' as kind of my theme song.

Anything else you want to say? I joined for selfish reasons. Luckily, to able to benefit, one must contribute, so I don't feel too bad. Also I don't mind helping others when I can. I wouldn't mind trying to play in a group but tend to be shy.
What are your current or favorite SHIP names, top five will do I think.
Hello everybody.

After much difficulty, I was finally able to register on this site. If you hear about someone having difficulty registering, you can send new members to me as I have figured out a few things.

I grew up and currently live in Los Angeles. As a child, I watched the original series, and as a young adult, I viewed Next Generation. After a few decades of not watching much trek, I gave myself the challenge to go through the episodes in in-universe order by following the Star Trek Chronology Project. https://thestartrekchronologyproject.blogspot.com.

As a result of wanting to experience Star Trek in another light, I began playing "Star Trek Online" in the summer of 2019. I am using a 2019 iMac which I reboot in Windows. I can not find anyone else who is using their Mac to play STO.

My best advice for players new and experienced is to take some time to enjoy the scenery that the developers have created. In other words, take time to smell the roses. They can be pretty beautiful or a least dramatic. 

I am currently playing a federation science toon using the Eternal Temporal ship. I do not have much experience playing the other professions or factions.

I also enjoy walking with my wife, traveling and I occasionally practice meditation.
Ancient Aliens Drinking game
Drink Once
  • The narrator asks a question
  • The speakers are shown "on location" in a foreign site.
  • A picture that has been previously shown in previous episodes is shown again.
  • You hear the phrase "ancient astronaut theorists say Yes”
  • David Childress say “and you have to wonder....”
  • An image of outer space appears.
  • An image of the Egyptian or Central American pyramids appears.
Drink Twice 
  • Giorgio Tsoukalos speaks.

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