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Account Name: @mkpalos

Character Names: Serim Ruak (I didn't get how names worked when I joined, so my character seems to have the odd quirk of always using his first and last name.)

Your Current Rank: Lvl 60/FA

Time Zone: EST -5

How did you get into Star Trek Online? Always liked Star Trek (TNG & DS9 were my childhood), but never really liked MMORPGs. Finally tried it and had fun with it, so I stayed.

How long have you been playing for? About 4 months, give or take.

What would be your best piece of advice to a new STO player? Start refining as much dilithium as you can as early as possible. It may take you 30 levels to find a use for it, but trust me, you'll be grateful for all you saved up when you do.

What’s your favourite career type (Engineering, Science or Tactical)? I've played Tactical and Engineering, and I've enjoyed Tactical the most.

What’s your favourite ship? That's tough. I like my Heavy Escort Carrier, but really, any of the escorts are a joy to fly.

What’s your best and worst STO moment? Best: Finally learning how to use your shipt most effectively (any ship). Seriously, that moment when you finally figure out how to use the ship you just acquired is awesome. Worst: Being instakilled by two simultaneous isometric charges. Going from mission start to waiting on the respawn timer is a little depressing...

What are some of your other interests? Reading, history, lots of things. Lots of things

What’s your favourite band? Big fan of Deolinda (it's a Portuguese band). Also classical, especially classical minimalist stuff like Arvo Part and Steve Reich.

Anything else you want to say? Glad to join you all! I've mostly played solo, but it's nice to be part of an active fleet.
Hi Serim, welcome to the fleet and the game.
Thanks! It's been fun so far. It's been neat seeing how active the fleet is; even if I'm not actually playing with someone, there's almost always conversation going on in fleet chat.
maybe my favorite thing is chat. It has so much value but you cant earn dilithium heheeh, welcome to the fleet!

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