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STO/Cryptic:Star Trek Online: Defiant Bundle Stats
Star Trek Online: Defiant Bundle Stats


Our new Starships are available! For this weekend only, Captains can enjoy these ships for an introductory sale until 11/9 at 9AM PDT.

Individually 2500 ZEN each for this weekend (Normally 3000 ZEN)
Faction Bundles of all three 5000 ZEN for this weekend (Normally 6000 ZEN)


We’re excited to reveal the stats, items and abilities for three new Tier 6 starships: the Valiant Class Tactical Escort, the Kor Bird-of-Prey and the Malem Light Warbird. All three of these ships come equipped with a special console and can unlock a new starship trait at level 5 Starship Mastery. Below are the stats for these new Tier 6 starships and their fleet variants that will be released at the same time as the standard Tier 6 versions.

TheTier 6 Valiant Class Tactical Escort is based upon the highly successful Defiant Class design.  Unlike the Defiant, which was designed specifically to combat the Borg, the Valiant Class was built with the Federation's new enemies in mind.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Pilot specialist seat.


The Valiant Class comes with its own unique costume. In addition it can use the Defiant, Gallant, Gallant Refit, Vigilant and Vigilant Refit costumes for free, and it can use the Sao Paulo costume if that starship is owned.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: C-Store
Faction: Starfleet
Required Rank: Vice Admiral
Hull Strength: 34,500 at level 50 and 40,000 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.9
Crew: 50
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 3
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
Base Turn Rate: 17
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 70
+15 to Weapons, +5 to Engines
Console – Universal – Quantum Warhead Module
Starship Ability Package (Escort)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
Withering Barrage (Starship Trait)

Fleet Tactical Escort [T6]

The Fleet Tactical Escort [T6] has been specifically designed to support your Fleet. Fleet Starships are built to the highest standard and have increased Hull Hit Points, Shield Strength and an additional Console slot. Tier 6 Fleet ships do not have a 5th Starship Mastery level and thus do not unlock a Starship Trait.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Pilot specialist seat.


The Fleet Tactical Escort [T6] has access to the Defiant, Gallant, Gallant Refit, Vigilant and Vigilant Refit costumes for free. It has access to the Sao Paulo or Valiant class costumes if those ships are owned.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: Fleet Shipyard Tier 3
Faction: Starfleet
Required Rank: Vice Admiral
Hull Strength: 37,950 at level 50 and 44,000 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.99
Crew: 50
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 3
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science
Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
Base Turn Rate: 17
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 70
+15 to Weapons, +5 to Engines
Starship Ability Package (Escort)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)

The Tier 6 Kor Bird-of-Prey is heavily based on the famed B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit's original design, however it has been heavily modified to be better suited for battle against the Klingon Empire's current foes.

The Kor Bird-of-Prey is equipped with an enhanced battle cloak. Energy Weapons cannot be fired while cloaked, but torpedoes, mines and most Bridge Officer and Captain abilities can be activated. When attacking while cloaked, the ship's cloak will drop for a few seconds, leaving the ship momentarily exposed.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot specialist seat.


The Kor Class comes with its own unique costume. In addition it can use the B’rel and Koloth costumes for free, and it can use the B’Rotlh costume if that starship is owned.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: C-Store
Faction: Klingon
Required Rank: Lieutenant General
Hull Strength:  28,462 at level 50 and 33,000 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.8
Crew: 30
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 2
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot, 1 Commander Universal
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
Base Turn Rate: 23 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 80
+15 to Weapons, +5 to Engine
Enhanced Battle Cloaking Device
Console – Universal – Quantum Warhead Module
Raider Flanking

+25% damage when attacking an NPC enemy’s rear arc
+8.3% damage when attacking a Player enemy’s rear arc

Starship Ability Package

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Enhanced Weapon Banks (+Critical Damage)
Withering Fire (Starship Trait)

Fleet B’rel Bird-of-Prey [T6]

The Fleet B’rel Bird-of-Prey [T6] has been specifically designed to support your Fleet. Fleet Starships are built to the highest standard and have increased Hull Hit Points, Shield Strength and an additional Console slot. Tier 6 Fleet ships do not have a 5th Starship Mastery level and thus do not unlock a Starship Trait.

The Fleet B’rel Bird-of-Prey is equipped with an enhanced battle cloak. Energy Weapons cannot be fired while cloaked, but torpedoes, mines and most Bridge Officer and Captain abilities can be activated. When attacking while cloaked, the ship's cloak will drop for a few seconds, leaving the ship momentarily exposed.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot specialist seat.


The Fleet B’rel Bird-of-Prey has access to the B’rel and Koloth costumes for free and can access the B’Rotlh and Kor costumes if those ships are purchased.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: Fleet Shipyard Tier 5
Faction: Klingon
Required Rank: Lieutenant General
Hull Strength:  31,308 at level 50 and 36,300 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.88
Crew: 30
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 2
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot, 1 Commander Universal
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science
Base Turn Rate: 23 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 80
+15 to Weapons, +5 to Engine
Enhanced Battle Cloaking Device
Raider Flanking

+25% damage when attacking an NPC enemy’s rear arc
+8.3% damage when attacking a Player enemy’s rear arc

Starship Ability Package

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvers (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Enhanced Weapon Banks (+Critical Damage)

The Malem Light Warbird is a Tier 6 starship based heavily on the T’varo Light Warbird Retrofit's original designs.  It has been greatly improved upon to better combat the Romulan Republic's current enemies.

The Malem Light Warbird [T6] is equipped with an Enhanced Romulan battle cloak. Energy Weapons cannot be fired while cloaked, but torpedoes, mines and most Bridge Officer and Captain abilities can be activated. When attacking while cloaked, the ship's cloak will drop for a few seconds, leaving the ship momentarily exposed.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot specialist seat.


The Malem can use the T’varo costume for free.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: C-Store
Faction: Romulan
Required Rank: Vice Admiral
Hull Strength: 31,050 at level 50 and 36,000 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.9
Crew: 150
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 3
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot
Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science
Base Turn Rate: 18 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 60
+10 to Weapons, +10 to Engines
Console – Universal – Plasma Warhead Module
Romulan Battle Cloaking Device
Starship Ability Package (Tactical Warbird)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
Withering Fire (Starship Trait)

Singularity Abilities

40 Base Power for All Subsystems
Plasma Shockwave
Quantum Absorption
Warp Shadows
Singularity Jump
Singularity Overcharge

The Fleet T’varo Light Warbird [T6] has been specifically designed to support your Fleet. Fleet Starships are built to the highest standard and have increased Hull Hit Points, Shield Strength and an additional Console slot. Tier 6 Fleet ships do not have a 5th Starship Mastery level and thus do not unlock a Starship Trait.

The Fleet T’varo Light Warbird [T6] is equipped with an Enhanced Romulan battle cloak. Energy Weapons cannot be fired while cloaked, but torpedoes, mines and most Bridge Officer and Captain abilities can be activated. When attacking while cloaked, the ship's cloak will drop for a few seconds, leaving the ship momentarily exposed.

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot specialist seat.


The Fleet T’varo comes with the T’varo costume and can use the Malem costume if that starship is owned.

Ship Details

Tier: 6
Availability: C-Store
Faction: Romulan
Required Rank: Vice Admiral
Hull Strength: 34,155 at level 50 and 39,600 at level 60
Shield Modifier: 0.99
Crew: 150
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 3
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science
Base Turn Rate: 18 degrees/second
Impulse Modifier: 0.2
Inertia: 60
+10 to Weapons, +10 to Engines
Romulan Battle Cloaking Device
Starship Ability Package (Tactical Warbird)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)

Singularity Abilities

40 Base Power for All Subsystems
Plasma Shockwave
Quantum Absorption
Warp Shadows
Singularity Jump
Singularity Overcharge

Console – Universal – Quantum Warhead Module

The Valiant Class Tactical Escort [T6] and the Kor Bird-of-Prey [T6] come equipped with the Quantum Warhead Module. The Warhead Module contains a load of six quantum torpedoes ready for simultaneous fire. Once fired, the system automatically reloads over time. At any time the system can be activated to fire as many torpedoes as are currently loaded.

This console provides a passive bonus to projectile weapon damage.

This Console Mod can be equipped only on any Tactical Escort variant or Tier 5 or greater B’rel variant, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods.

Console – Universal – Plasma Warhead Module

The Malem Light Warbird [T6] comes equipped with the Plasma Warhead Module. The Warhead Module contains a load of six plasma torpedoes ready for simultaneous fire. Once fired, the system automatically reloads over time. At any time the system can be activated to fire as many torpedoes as are currently loaded.

This console provides a passive bonus to projectile weapon damage.

This Console Mod can be equipped only on Malem-class and upgraded T'varo-class Light Warbirds, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods.

Item Sets

Tactical Escort [T6] – Valiant Class

By equipping both the Cloaking Device universal console (from the Tactical Escort Retrofit or the Dreadnought Cruiser) and the Quantum Warhead Module universal console (from Valiant Class Tactical Escort [T6]) you will bestow set bonuses to your starship.

Stealth Fighter (2 pieces)

Set Bonuses

Overcloaked (2 pc) – Passive

Reduces the recharge time on Cloak

Critical Ambush (2 pc) – Passive

Grants a bonus to Critical Hit Chance and Critical Severity for a short time after exiting cloak

Kor Bird-of-Prey [T6]

By equipping the Enhanced Induction Coils universal console (from the B’Rotlh Bird-of-Prey) and the Quantum Warhead Module universal console (from the Kor Bird-of-Prey [T6]), you will bestow set bonuses to your starship.

Stealth Fighter (2 pieces)

Set Bonuses

Overcloaked (2 pc) – Passive

Reduces the recharge time on Cloak

Critical Ambush (2 pc) – Passive

Grants a bonus to Critical Hit Chance and Critical Severity for a short time after exiting cloak

Malem Light Warbird [T6]

By equipping the Singularity Stabilizer universal console (from the T’varo Light Warbird), the Plasma Destabilizer (from the T’varo Light Warbird Retrofit) and the Plasma Warhead Module (from the Malem Light Warbird [T6]), you will bestow set bonuses to your starship.

Enhanced Projectile Efficiency (3 pieces)

Set Bonuses

Enhanced Projectile Efficiency (2 pc) – Passive

Reduces the recharge time on the Destabilized Plasma Torpedo ability

Enhanced Projectile Potency (2 pc) – Passive

Increases Torpedo weapon damage
Reduced Torpedo ability recharge time

Shield-Penetrating Projectiles (3 pc) - Passive

Increases torpedo shield penetration

Withering Barrage (Starship Trait)

Each of these starships can unlock the Withering Barrage starship trait by achieving level 5 in their Starship Mastery. While this trait is equipped, the duration of your Cannon: Scatter Volley is increased by 4 seconds.

DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change.

Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

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STO/Cryptic:Star Trek Online: Defiant Bundle Stats - by Cryptic - 11-05-2015, 10:09 PM

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