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STO/Cryptic:Ten Forward: A New Weekly Stream!
Ten Forward: A New Weekly Stream!

Captains, we’ve been really enjoying the chance to interact with you on the livestreams we’ve been doing lately. So we’ve decided to do a little more of them – a weekly stream, in fact. Every Wednesday, you’ll be able to gather with your community manager, Ambassador Kael, at 4pm PST as he plays content from Star Trek Online, takes a look at your fan creations, and more!

(Have fan art, or a video, or something else entirely you want featured on the stream? Send it to with the subject line "Ten Forward Weekly.")

And most importantly, you’ll be able to decide what content Kael plays. Every Monday, we’ll have a new poll on Twitter, asking you what content you want to see in the next stream. And if you stay tuned, there may even be some prizes.

So join us this Wednesday, and hop onto Twitter to let us know what you want to see Kael play!


What should Ambassador Kael play on the Ten Forward weekly stream this week?
— Star Trek Online (@trekonlinegame) May 22, 2017

How do I watch?

There's two ways to check out the stream. The first is to head to our Facebook page:

The other is to hit up our Twitch channel:


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STO/Cryptic:Ten Forward: A New Weekly Stream! - by Cryptic - 05-23-2017, 10:22 AM

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