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STO/Cryptic:Galaxy Class Interior Now on Sale!
Galaxy Class Interior Now on Sale!

As fans of Star Trek, we know that the ship herself is one of the most important characters in every series. We can close our eyes and picture ourselves wandering the halls of the Enterprise-D, or Voyager, or any of the other iconic sets of this universe. That’s why we’re so excited to be offering you a new screen-accurate ship interior, coming soon to the C-store.

The Galaxy-class interior, made famous by Star Trek: The Next Generation. This was the home of Captain Picard, Data, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, Beverly and Wesley Crusher, and Worf for seven seasons. Now, it can be a home for your Captain as well. This full interior includes the iconic Bridge, Main Engineering, Ten Forward and more. Take a look:


Nxt Prv

This bridge will be available in the C-store for 2000 Zen. We can’t wait for you to get the chance to walk the halls of these famous ships, Captains. We’ll see you in game.

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STO/Cryptic:Galaxy Class Interior Now on Sale! - by Cryptic - 09-22-2017, 01:48 PM

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