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STO/Cryptic:Victory is Life - Doomed to Repeat
Victory is Life - Doomed to Repeat

The Founders and the Hur’q are both exceptionally old races. Odo is certain that the other Changelings know more about the deadly insectoids than they are sharing with him. He’s found a lead on an ancient Dominion station that may hold secrets the Alliance can use to defend the entire galaxy. Will everyone be ready to reveal the truth held within?

“Doomed to Repeat” will be the fourth episode in our new Gamma Quadrant story arc. Characters must have already completed “The Search” to play this episode. “Doomed to Repeat” will be available to all players (Romulan players must have selected a faction).

You can easily access this mission when Victory is Life is live by accessing your Mission Journal (default key ‘J’), selecting the “Gamma Quadrant” episodes tab, and choosing to ‘Hail’ your contact for the mission. 

We will not be preemptively announcing any other Victory is Life episodes to minimize spoilers and maximize discovery (pun not entirely intended). We hope you will enjoy the remaining episodes when Victory is Life goes live!


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STO/Cryptic:Victory is Life - Doomed to Repeat - by Cryptic - 05-30-2018, 10:09 PM

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