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STO/Cryptic:Bonus Progress Token Weekend!
Bonus Progress Token Weekend!

It’s time for a Bonus Coupon Progress Token weekend! Playing the Featured Task Force Operation, ‘Operation Riposte’, from April 18th at 8am PT to April 22nd at 10am PT, will earn you 100 Coupon Progress Tokens per day! You can apply these Tokens to your progress towards unlocking a Tier 6 ship of your choice! For more details on this new system, read below.

We’re debuting a brand new system for Star Trek Online. Earn progress toward a Free Ship by participating each day in the Featured TFO Events that will be running from now until Fall of 2019. By playing these three Events, you can earn Coupon Progress Tokens each day, allowing you to eventually claim a '100% Discount Coupon: Tier 6 Ship' that will allow you claim a free Tier 6 Starship of your choice from the Zen Store.

When you play the 'Operation Riposte' Featured TFO Event, once per day, you will receive 50 Coupon Progress Tokens. Progress will be rewarded across your entire account, so you need only participate once per day to max out your potential progress. Keep an eye out for Featured Event Coupon Bonus Days, which will double any progress that you earn while they are active! After you've earned a total of 3000 Coupon Progress Tokens, head to the Reputation menu to claim your prize.


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STO/Cryptic:Bonus Progress Token Weekend! - by Cryptic - 04-18-2019, 06:49 AM

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