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STO/Cryptic:Command the T6 Risian corvette!
Command the T6 Risian corvette!

During Star Trek Online’s 2019 Summer Event, you will be able to obtain Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2019) by participating in the “Flying High” event on a daily basis. These Prize Vouchers can be earned once per day, and used to complete an Event Reputation project to obtain the Risian corvette [T6]! This project requires 1000 Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2019).

Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, all of the characters on your account will be able to claim the Risian corvette [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Reputation window).

Additionally, players who own a Risian corvette [T6] will be able to purchase the all new Risian Pilot corvette [T6] from their fleet for one Fleet Ship Module and 20,000 Fleet Credits. The Fleet version of the ship will have access to pilot maneuvers, allowing you to barrel roll your way across the stars.

Fleet Ship Modules are an item used in the game to purchase Fleet versions of ships, which are slightly stronger than their original counterpart. You can obtain them in the Zen Store for 500 Zen, purchase them from other players on the Exchange, or get a free one from obtaining Tier 6 in any Reputation. Fleet Credits are earned by donating to projects with your Fleet.

Without further ado, here are the complete details related to these exciting speedy starships!


Risian corvette [T6]

The Risian corvette was initially designed as a racing ship for entertainment purposes. The ship's incredible speed and maneuverability drew the interest of the Lobi Crystal Consortium, who purchased the rights to manufacture armed versions of the vessel. Now, after years of study and work, some of the galaxy’s finest Ferengi designers have released an updated version with a unique weapon, more bridge capabilities, and faster speed than any other ship in the known galaxy!

This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot Bridge Officer Seat.

Ship Details:

Tier: 6
Faction: Any
Required Rank: Must complete the Tutorial
Hull Modifier: .9
Shield Modifier: .9
Fore Weapons: 4 (scales with level)
Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level)
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Ensign Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)
Base Turn Rate: 21 degrees per second
Impulse Modifier: 0.27
Inertia: 90
+5 Power to Weapons, +15 Power to Engines
Can Load Dual Cannons
Console – Universal - Enhanced Subspace Wake Generator
Experimental Weapon Slot, equipped with Solition Wave Impeller
Starship Mastery Package (Escort)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)
Rhythmic Rumble (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Ship Details:

ENG: 42
SCI: 28
TAC: 56
SPECIAL: +10 TAC per TacShip


Console - Universal - Enhanced Subspace Wake Generator

The Risian corvette [T6] comes equipped with an Enhanced Subspace Wake Generator console.

When activated, your starship impulse engines go into overdrive, causing a subspace wake nearby that damages and slows nearby foes, while also improving your own mobility.

This console also provides a passive boost to Flight Speed and Maximum Engine Power. This Console can be equipped in any console slot. It may be equipped on any ship. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Experimental Weapon - Solition Wave Impeller

The Risian corvette [T6] also comes equipped with a Soliton Wave Impeller experimental weapon. The Soliton Wave Impeller channels soliton radiation waves at the target. In addition to damaging and slowing the target, it has a chance of causing radiation damage over time as well. Its unique tie-in with your impulse engines increases its firing rate as your engine power increases.

It may be upgraded like a standard weapon, swapped out for another Experimental Weapon and placed in any other starship's Experimental Weapon Slot.

Rhythmic Rumble (Starship Trait)

After achieving level 5 in the Risian corvette [T6], you will unlock the Rhythmic Rumble Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted, activating any Auxiliary power to the Inertial Dampeners or any Pilot Bridge Officer Ability grants you a boost to Damage Resistance Rating and Weapon Power Cost based on your speed.


Risian Pilot corvette [T6]

The Risian corvette was a gratifying success for the Lobi Design Group, but the team lead realized that there would be a need for even higher speed and performance.  The scent of profit was on the wind, and the team went back to the drawing board. After months of intense testing, racing, and a few unfortunate high-speed incidents, the Ferengi designers have released a version of the corvette with a complete focus on speed and maneuverability – the Risian Pilot corvette!

Pilot ships are highly agile craft designed to perform advanced maneuvers that can give them a deadly edge in combat.  Your starship can perform a sudden maneuver in each horizontal direction: Forward, Backward, Left or Right. Executing each maneuver will rapidly reposition your starship while granting very brief damage immunity, but costs all available thruster fuel which takes several seconds to recover.

This starship features a Commander Tactical/Pilot Bridge Officer Seat and a Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot Bridge Officer Seat.

Ship Details:

Tier: 6
Faction: Any
Fleet Holding Required: Tier 1 Starbase
Required Rank: Must complete the Tutorial
Hull Modifier: .99
Shield Modifier: .99
Fore Weapons: 4 (scales with level)
Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level)
Device Slots: 2
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Ensign Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)
Base Turn Rate: 21 degrees per second
Impulse Modifier: 0.27
Inertia: 90
+5 Power to Weapons, +15 Power to Engines
Can Load Dual Cannons
Pilot Maneuvers
Experimental Weapon Slot
Starship Mastery Package (Escort)

Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)

Admiralty Ship Details:

ENG: 39
SCI: 28
TAC: 59
SPECIAL: +15 TAC per TacShip

NOTE: The above stats and systems are subject to change.

Jette “CrypticSpartan” Leavens
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online


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STO/Cryptic:Command the T6 Risian corvette! - by Cryptic - 07-02-2019, 07:44 AM

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