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USS Archangel V2 (Odyssey Tac Cruiser)
I'd like to know the answer to these questions first, before I make any recommendations:
First of all, how does the ship handle in its current configuration? Is it squishy? Does it feel OP or weak? Does it turn or move fast enough for you?

Is your captain really an engineer, or did you just leave that option in its default setting? (If your captain is an engineer, do you really need all the extra healing?)

Why did you choose the Bajoran set?

Why did you choose "Beam Overload" instead of an attack pattern?

Why Tactical Team 2 instead of Kemo 2?

How does Aceton Beam 3 perform for you?

Your DOFF arrangement looks like you're trying to "Drake" (balance EPtW and EPtS on constant rotation), while also trying to turn faster, and cycle your heals faster. It looks like you're trying to compensate for not being able to move quickly.

Your skill tree looks like it's exclusively made for damage, with no boosts for your heals.

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RE: USS Archangel V2 (Odyssey Tac Cruiser) - by scissorlizard - 07-09-2019, 06:51 AM

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