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U.S.S. INFINITY FACTOR - Ed's Krenim Science Ship
[Image: ship-infinity-factor.png]

Stella Star got assigned to command after a very succesful search-and-stabilize campaign for Q The Obnoxious. In the mission-loop of Time and Tide she collected the Chronometric Calculations weapon set, that get it's 4th piece from the Krenim Chroniton Torpedo that comes with this ship.

[Image: boffs-infinity-factor.png]
I went for an offensive Engineering department utilizing the Cryonic Inhibitor from the Winter Event. With the Greed Emitters Trait the Energy Siphon and the Breen Energy Drain from the engine set IMO give enough shield heal and I pass for Reverse Shield Polarity this time. The Bridge Crew is all humans (leadership trait).

As Duty Officers I have 3 Damage Control Engineers (EPtX CD), a Warp Theorist (Energy Siphons) and a Astrometry Scientist (Hazard Emitters) assigned.

The bridge is a typical Krenim Bridge, also found at the Annorax.
[Image: bridge-infinity-factor.png]
[Image: loadout-infinity-factor.png]
I had no bad experience at all when I used the Breen engine set (Deflector, Impulse Drive and Shield) in the WITCH OF ANDOR. So I have no pressing plans to replace it by something more en vogue. The Butterfly mission gave me the Temporal Warp Core (upgraded to [Amp]) and the Temporal Disentanglement Suite, the non-set Dominion Polaron Beam is from the Cardassian story arc final. R&D gave me the 3rd Omnidirectional aft beam and the Exotic Particle Field Exciter[Flow]. From the Fleet Rearch Lab I bought the Particle Focusers [+Flow][PrtG] and the Inhibitive Secondary Deflector [EnDmg][FlwC][SA +Dmg]. Reputation took care for the Sustained Radiance Field (Iconian) and for the Kinetic Cutting Beam/Assimilated Module Evergreen. The Plasmonic Leech is the most expensive single peace on board.

[Image: admiralty-infinity-factor.png]
Admiralty Stats

With Energy Siphons in both Shield-Heal and Attack-CD trays (featuring Gravity Well and time-tinkering abilities) the Maiden Voyage to Infected Conduit went quite well:

SCM - Infected [LR] (S) - [06:40] DMG(DPS) - @solarisbastion: 9.55M(24.19K) @sunmaky: 9.42M(23.78K) @edarta: 8.04M(20.49K) @Antaras1128: 5.58M(13.99K) @adorkabledori: 3.96M(9.97K)

While I am a bit unsure, which ship's trait is better - Stella's INFINITY FACTOR is at least on par with Priss' GIPSY QUEEN (Fleet Pathfinder) though I invested much less work and resources. The ship is also available to all factions and farming was particular easy, so I say:

Heart THANK YOU, STO Heart

[Image: sig-001.png]

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U.S.S. INFINITY FACTOR - Ed's Krenim Science Ship - by Edarta - 02-12-2016, 10:59 AM

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