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Breen Carrier Build
Here is the link

Thought I would mix it up and go Polaron as there are a few different types with different benefits I could mix in. The Omni's are great as the turn rate it's excellent. Just threw the aceton on yesterday as it was cheap, might throw the plasmonic on and a fleet rcs in the future to see how that works out.
Not bad, choosing Polaron will also buff your hangar pet's damage since you're sticking with the Breen raiders. My only question is.. why the Energy Signature Dampeners? Wouldn't using fleet neutronium be better?

Also since you got the intel boff slots, why not give some of the intel skills a try? OSS (override subsystem safties) can really up your power.. if you don't mind a random system (more often then not shields lol...) going offline when it ends. Ionic turbulence is also a really fun one to use.
Good points Sandy, the ESDamps were cheap and I have more used heals than resist. Thought I would give it a try to start, kinda liking it, so I am going to go with those Fleet Neutro's, with maybe an RCS Fleet hull.

I may do something intel wise, kinda building up to that. Good variance of abilities, so you have a good idea, and appreciate your thoughts!
Going Polaron, and several console changes ... Edar'Ta's ship certainly calls for a refit. My damage meter is mostly "get's it CE 1st place prize?" - what she did contineously.

If you have the Breen Raiders claimed - the ESD Ship Yard sells Elite Frigates for 50K EC or so. I ran the Q Winter Wonderland with 3 characters - it's a strong GO for its free ships.

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Hmmm... is polaron the real new antiproton?
Polaron- it is so ... so Breeny! I have somewhere in the offline memory that the Carrier is beefing up Polaron... I will simply try, experiments are scientific.

[Image: sig-001.png]

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