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Hello, Strike Group
I am @daBelgrave, one of the leaders of the other group in the Armada, The Phoenix Division. We're a fairly small fleet that formed around the start of S6, and have a mix of members ranging from lifetimers to F2P, experience in PvE, PvP, and some RP, and playing from time zones scattered across Europe and the US. We also have a T4 KDF fleet (the House of the Phoenix), and have just begun filling the T5 Shipyard upgrade. We're pleased to be part of this armada, and hope to get to know you folks much better.

As for myself, I've been around since Head Start, greatly enjoyed PvP up to around S7 (although I still enjoy a good fight now and then), and am the creator of the Ship Comparison Spreadsheet and other useful spreadsheets in my attempts to better understand various game mechanics. I am in the Eastern US timezone, but am usually connected to chat throughout the day via XMPP.

My main character, One of Twelve (One@daBelgrave), is a Liberated Borg Science Officer, and uses escorts exclusively unless grinding out a ship trait. After having used practically every escort in the game, I would say my favorites have been the MVAE, Risian corvette, and the newer Pilot escorts. This character is also fairly good at ground, and can fill damage, healing, or tanking roles as needed. R&D is maxed, so feel free to ask if you want something made.
Love your avatar, very nice. Welcome to the Strike Group forums. Hopefully you will find our experiences and postings on said topic useful and/or enjoyable to read. We too are a casual fleet that has been active since ~march-2013. At first I/we were skeptical about what an Armada could do for us (& vise versa), but as it has proven itself to be - even causal fun players can come together and make new friendships and enjoy a PvE, OR PVP even now and again.

You made a really nice intro. You mention escort play, and that you have played ALL of the escorts. Perhaps I can interest you in posting your build(s) and some comments on what you like and dont like about a few. We have a number of members who are very interested in escort style gameplay and might learn a new angle from your own experiences. Personally... I'm sticking with Cruisers!!!

Welcome Aboard
Nice to meet you here, playing together last night was great fun Smile

Our Klingons started on Defera, later Federation took over in Space Wink

[Image: sig-001.png]

Welcome aboard.

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