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hello and thanks for having me
Account Name: K'urock@rodtford

Character Names : K'urock and K'novi (KDF) Rod T Ford and T'pau (fed) Ramiera (rom rep/fed)

Your Current Rank: all my toons are max rank. cant wait for level increase.

Time Zone: eastern time zone. PA to pin it down

I started playing STO when it first went free to play been a fan of all things trek since I was a kid. books included

Best advice? ASK, READ, expirement. there are loads of forums wiki's and just good people out there willing to help utilize it. Zone chat can be full of immature ppl but there are those out there who not only ansewer questions but will PM or team up to help you. how ever if your looking for someth9ing more reliable research fleets and join one. fleeties are your best resource.

I started out a TAC then made a KDF TAC...K'urock. but I have two engineers and a sci. I cant claim one as a favorite because there are loads of fun things about each. I mean who doesn't like calling in an orbital strike or dropping gravity wells on targets or lighting up enemies with a little scatter volley followed by a nice torp spread? so much pew pew pew so little time.
Favorite ship? well more like a top ten. I love the classics.....galaxy, excel, promie, bop ( the b'rel version) vorcha, and nebula. but some of the new ships are cool the oddy vista....heck if the Miranda were more like it was in the film I'd fly it lol

best moment in sto? lol well its HAS to be hugging the mugato in a fleet run most fun ever! besides he isn't bad he is just misunderstood lol. worst moment? we have all been in THAT STF with THOSE Pugs....ugh.

interests? I have loads.....I'm an infantry men of 18 years love shooting especially when the bullets are free. but obviously movies games and general fun.

Bands? I'm pretty eclectic I like all kinds of music.

I'm on at various times I work swing atm. but due to a deployment I was gone for about a year so you'll find me grinding out gear in a mad dash to catch up. I'm up for any thing if you don't mind me being a little rusty. but if need a team member send me a PM (some times the chat window doesn't have my attention) or if you wanna team up for episodes or just to blow up SB237 I'm down. need a Boff trained? I can do that too.
Glad to have you and your energy. I am a fan of the books as well, read many, always a good time.
Nice to "meet" you and thank you for your service!

We don't mind rust at all, and you hit it spot on - fleeties area great asset, and we are all fleeties of one anotehr. Ping me anytime you are on because I do love my STF's without "those pugs"
Sorry Rod,
I overlooked you post.
Rod is one of the folks who I brought over from Section 31 T.A.S. He's a great player and is one of those that help with fleet projects.
Glad to have you aboard.

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