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Dilithium mining tips - "The Romulus Run"
In an attempt to prepare for the next dil mining weekend – whenever that is - I've been doing a LOT of what I call the “Romulus Run” - the daily ground missions on New Romulus. I'll do other ground missions in the future - but if you have tips, feel free to post them.

This is what I've learned:

Staging area: - 4 minutes, 45 seconds

I've tried playing on one side of the map or the other, trying to determine if there is one side that is better than the other. There isn't, as far as I can tell. No single area respawns targets fast enough to justify staying in one location, though maintenance on the shuttle pad often respawns so frequently that you don't have to leave very often, as does maintenance on the anti-grav lifts (near the bridge/Atlai side of the map). This doesn't happen every time, though, so if you don't get a second respawn by the time you've done all the maintenance, move on.
The key for a fast run seems to be in picking up reports – or not picking them up – and in the number of players in the instance. The more players in the instance, the more effective picking up reports is; the fewer players, then reports will slow you down.
The break point seems to be around 25 players. Above his number, pick up the reports and turn them in quickly to the overseer. (They won't respawn until you turn them in – but make sure to get all three before turning them in for a better reward.) In doing so, I averaged 4 minutes and 45 seconds to reach 100% (with 2-3 trips to the overseer each time.) Not picking up the reports adds 30 seconds to one minute to the run time.
Below 25 players, skip the reports. You'll get about the same time (4' 45'' versus 5' 15'' for picking up reports.)
HOWEVER: the number of players in the instance will determine the time needed: more than 35 and you're all competing for the same resources, and 10 or fewer and you don't get many respawns. Both add 30 seconds to on minute to run time.
Therefore, to maximize your efficiency in the Staging Area, opt for an instance with around 20-30 players: above 25, get the reports and turn them in quickly; below 25, skip the reports.
And do pick up the rocks and plants (if you know where they are); it only takes a few seconds, and you can stockpile them for turning in later on Romulus.
Note: When you do "Investigate Suspicious" DON'T engage them, regardless of the response. You will still get the points, but you won't lose the time needed to defeat them.

Atlai, Hwael, etc to follow.

Atlai: - 4 minutes, 30 seconds

I've tried running this with every permutation of which target to select/avoid/number of players in instance, etc.– but unlike the Staging Area, there doesn't seem to be much benefit to large or small instance, or selecting specific targets.
That said, spraying the bugs is worth 5%, so hope your Atlai is buggy. I also do the 'scan for lifesigns' then head off to the next target, leaving the slaughter of the innocent animals to my assistant; staying there to kill the poor animal takes time. Eventually your minion will take care of the beasty – but in the meantime, you've done 3 -4 more targets.

Doing this, I averaged 4 minutes and 30 seconds – but on one buggy Sunday, I did it in just over 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

April 2 patch added more rocks and plants!

Before I forget this: acquire all the missions you like to play. Go away. Come back 20hours (or more) later, run the mission, reacquire and run it again. A little boring, yes, but it's roughly 6k dil in about one hour.

And yes, I do pick up all resonating rocks and glowing plants. I save them for marks weekends and turn them in for the bonus. (I don't do the radiation scans, however: I save that for those nights when I have insomnia lol - but sabe those as well for marks weekends.)
Paehhos Crater - 5 minutes, 15 seconds

There have been recent changes to Paehhos which has turned it into a bit of a time sink.

I strongly recommend that you run up the hill directly behind the main tent and simply run in circles, picking up 42 plants samples. There are seven plants, and they will respawn just in time for you to pick them up again. Time: 3 minutes 50 seconds - and it doesn't seem to matter how many people are in the instance.
I've played the whole territory as well, but as of the March 19 patch, a few changes have occurred. There are far fewer animals in the crater, and they are more aggressive. This means they will attack you more often after the "Observe Wildlife" button is clicked - and even if you leave their demise to your assistant, they will still come after you as they are far harder to kill than before.
Number of players in the instance does affect your time, but only slightly: under 20 or over 30, it will take an average of 8 minutes, 50 seconds; Between 20 and 30, it's about 8 minutes even.
Please note that there are also animals that will attack you without being 'observed' first: two are located by the two Hirogen hunters on the rail out of the crater to the 'alcove" in the southeast corner and the other is where the path leads to the Hwael ruins.
There is a second change - the number of rocks and plants is markedly increased, so it's worth completing the mission, then heading to the southeast alcove and the crater to pick up these two items. It's easy to get 5 of each on each visit.
Yes, I do have too much time on my hands.

My favorite Dilithium farming methods changed over time... Having 760 Contrabande collected by Yours Truly Dahar Master - even a Fed Customs Officer could be convinced that there is a better place than his lockers for certain pirated Holodeck Programs - I will feed the security officers with all chars on the next event.

Yesterday, on the new big map I feared that my regular hunting grounds are dry...

But nay, not so: When I visited my Ready Room and contacted my Marauding Contact, there they were, the heroic assaults on colonies, freighters and bystanders Big Grin

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Yesterday, on the new big map I feared that my regular hunting grounds are dry...

But nay, not so: When I visited my Ready Room and contacted my Marauding Contact, there they were, the heroic assaults on colonies, freighters and bystanders Sick
So much looting! But in all seriousness, you are saying the DOFF mission options are your favorite? Has anyone devised a full list of the events that are not on a cooldown and can be repeated as much as one is enduing enough to perform whatever hoop(s) there are to jump through?
Thanks to LTS and some Zen I have 12 Characters above Level 11 - (Nr 13 is a level 3 Fed Delta recruit). I wake them up each day at least once, just levelling R&D, some assign DOff jobs. Mit'Naqt was my third character, and 10 - 15 minutes a day put into DOff assignments amassed into XP. So she did not any Between-Delta-Story-Missions-"Grind". She just grew in the dark to 58 while I actually had just had fun with my 3-4 lvl 60s.

At a certain point contraband started really flowing and between recent Dilithium Weekends, she piled shy of 4 stacks of that stuff. Each Character got about 40K of Dilithium ore feeding the security officer 4 times a day (On Saturday and Sunday 1 1/2 hrs, 12x12K Dil for the whole troupe in total. Less on business days). Today I like it, since I do not get a feeling of seriously working from it.

It has its limits. But another day I may still like this as it does not stop me from earning real dilithium (it is fine for a coffee break) in a row of space patrols Romulus*/Delta**/Romulus/Delta, daily missions, or so.

* I always japorize Nausicaans when i pass the sector.

**Never miss Argala to annoy Kazon, Hirogen or Malon. See Ram Izad to make Vaadwaurs*** look foolish. Enjoy the Gerren Snake Stirrup where Vaadwaurs*** kill Vaadwaurs*** for you.

***I do not like Vaadwaurs.

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