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STO's "Default" Space keybinds layout
This is a "nice to have"; if you are ever playing with space binds and want to load basics, or ensure they are set as a default build, here ya go:

;Movement and Camera
W "+invertibleup"
S "+invertibledown"
A "+left"
D "+right"
E "throttleadjust .25"
Q "throttleadjust -.25"
R "throttletoggle"
Home "CamReset"
Joy4 "CamCycleDist"
Rightdrag "+CamMouseLook"
# "++CamMouseLook"
# "+CamRotate"
# "++CamRotate"
# "AdjustCamDistance -5"
# "AdjustCamDistance 5"
Mousewheel_Forward "AdjustCamDistance -15"
Mousewheel_Backward "AdjustCamDistance 15"
Pagedown "AdjustCamDistance 50"
Mousechord "+camTurnToFace"
X "camToggleSTOTargetLock"
Shift+r "FullImpulseToggle"

;Targeting & Interaction
F "InteractWindow"
Rightclick "ContextAction 1"
Leftdoubleclick "ExecuteAction 1"
# "+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
Up "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Forward"
Right "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Right"
Left "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Left"
Down "+power_exec Reroute_Shields_Rear"
# "StatsPreset_Load Preset_1"
# "StatsPreset_Load Preset_2"
# "StatsPreset_Load Preset_3"
# "StatsPreset_Load Preset_4"
Space "FirePhasers"
Ctrl+space "FireTorps"
# "FireMines"
# "FirePhasersTorps"
# "FireProjectiles"
Alt+space "FireAll"
V "ScanForClickies"
Tab "Target_Enemy_Next"
Shift+tab "Target_Enemy_Prev"
Ctrl+tab "Target_Friend_Next"
# "Target_Friend_Prev"
# "Target_Enemy_Near"
# "Target_Friend_Near"
Leftclick "targetCursor"
# "CursorPopupMenu"
Ltrigger+rtrigger "InteractCursor"
Lb+rb "target_Clear"
Esc "ClearTargetOrBringUpMenu"
F1 "Target_Self"
F2 "TargetTeammate 1"
F3 "TargetTeammate 2"
F4 "TargetTeammate 3"
F5 "TargetTeammate 4"
# "FocusTargetSet"
# "FocusTargetSelect"
# "FocusTargetClear"

1 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 0"
2 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 1"
3 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 2"
4 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 3"
5 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 4"
6 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 5"
7 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 6"
8 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 7"
9 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 8"
0 "+STOTrayExecByTray 0 9"
Ctrl+1 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 0"
Ctrl+2 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 1"
Ctrl+3 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 2"
Ctrl+4 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 3"
Ctrl+5 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 4"
Ctrl+6 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 5"
Ctrl+7 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 6"
Ctrl+8 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 7"
Ctrl+9 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 8"
Ctrl+0 "+STOTrayExecByTray 1 9"
Alt+1 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 0"
Alt+2 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 1"
Alt+3 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 2"
Alt+4 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 3"
Alt+5 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 4"
Alt+6 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 5"
Alt+7 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 6"
Alt+8 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 7"
Alt+9 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 8"
Alt+0 "+STOTrayExecByTray 2 9"
Shift+1 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 0"
Shift+2 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 1"
Shift+3 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 2"
Shift+4 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 3"
Shift+5 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 4"
Shift+6 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 5"
Shift+7 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 6"
Shift+8 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 7"
Shift+9 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 8"
Shift+0 "+STOTrayExecByTray 3 9"

;Gameplay Windows
I "Inventory"
# "CrewAssignments"
K "Skills"
U "CharacterStatus"
O "People"
J "Missions"
L "Diary"
M "Map"
# "Help"
Ctrl+g "FleetWindow"
# "Available"
P "ShowTrayPowers"
# "PvPQueues"
# "PvEQueues"
# "CommunityMissions"
# "Bulletins"
# "DutyOfficer"
# "DilithiumExchange"
# "Reputation"
# "Traits"
T "TranswarpChooser"

Enter "startChat"
Backspace "startChatReply"
N "+svPushToTalk"
Alt+enter "togglefullscreen"
Alt+f12 "++ShowGameUI"
Ctrl+q "LootRollNeed"
Ctrl+a "LootRollGreed"
Ctrl+z "LootRollPass"
, "HelpPrevious"
. "HelpNext"
PS... the ones with "#" are not set by default.

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