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STO/Cryptic:New Weapons and Outfits in Mudd's!
New Weapons and Outfits in Mudd's!

For god's sake, get inside, you fool! Do you think this highly mobile, exclusive market keeps on the run from the Khitomer Alliance by having people stand outside and gawk all day?

My forgiveness, dear customer, I appear to be a bit on edge. A few close calls lately. But do not let that deter you, you will find Mudd's Market is still as tip top as ever! In fact, we have some brand new items that have just come in. Look at this fine suit and top hat. It's beautiful, isn't it? The absolute craftsmanship. And believe it or not, this suit was worn - sort of - by an American president! It's made out of - er - constructanium, so it's completely impervious to physical harm! But if you're more of a "best defense is a good offense" being, look no farther! These weapons here were designed to combat the Borg, and cycle between different types of power regularly. Oh! You wish to know more about that item? Why, you have quite an eye, my friend. Yes, this transponder will summon the legendary ship the Kobayashi Maru. Well, yes, I am aware she's famous for exploding, my friend, but she'll provide you with the support you need nonetheless! Now please, step over here and we can discuss payment...


Mudd's Market has three new items coming to PC this Thursday, March 3rd! Get your hands on the Abraham Lincoln costume, Cyclic Modulation Weaponry, and the Kobayashi Maru Supply Device!

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