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STO/Cryptic:Lukari Community Ship Voting (Final Round)
Lukari Community Ship Voting (Final Round)

The Lukari have begun a space exploration initiative after the events of Sunrise. To meet the challenges of the final frontier, they’ve been collaborating with the best engineering minds in the Alliance to produce a new Lukari starship that will launch for Star Trek Online's Anniversary event.


The finalists are in! These designs will be pitted against one another in a single-elimination voting tournament. Pick your favorite design and cast your vote from now until the end of the month!





Vote for Team Alpha through
Facebook, Twitter, or our Official Forums!


Vote for Team Charlie through
Facebook, Twitter, or our Official Forums!


Vote for Team Echo through
Facebook, Twitter, or our Official Forums!



Captains can cast their vote through Facebook, Twitter, and the Official Forums. The top three designs are enteredd into a final round following their selection. Once chosen, the community ship will be selected to become the official Anniversary ship.

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